Jean-Guy Rens, Senior Partner

Vice president of the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA) and independent research and management consultant in the information and communications technology domain. Jean-Guy Rens conducted several studies on advanced security and mobile content industries. He is the author of the Invisible Empire, a book on the history of telecommunications in Canada (McGill-Queen’s Press).

Rens has produced several independent studies on the information-technologies market in the Canadian market: « Mobile Contents & Services » (2007), « Canadian Advanced Security Industry » (2003); and as well the Quebec market: « • Telecommunications in the Quebec Public Sector2 (in cooperation with Prof. Yves Rabeau, 2007), « Management of Web sites and the birth of Internet e-business in Quebec enterprises » (1999), « Perspectives on e-business and public policy » (1998), and Perspectives on the multimedia and Internet industries and markets in Quebec » (1997). He has also conducted a number of studies on telecommunications for industry: « The Enabling Effect of Telecommunications on the Canadian Economy » and « The Global Impact » for Bell Canada, and « Local rates in Canada » and « Universal service and interfinancing in Canada » for France Télécom.

From 1980 to 1989, Rens was director of technological information and marketing assistance at Bell Canada. He launched Bell’s first marketing-oriented communications program, and he went on to assume responsibility for relations with opinion leaders. Rens was previously with the Quebec Department of Intergovernmental Affairs, where he handled constitutional questions (1979-80). He also led a socio-economic mission to Congo (formerly Zaire) to help set up a series of development axes along the river (1975-78).

Jean-Guy Rens has served as a director of the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA). since October 2001. In 2006, he joined its management team and Governing Council and in 2008 he was appointed Senior Vice President Mobility and Telecommunications.